Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Personality development is part of Part - I


Personality development is part of Part - I

It is not necessary that you duplicate that person, you may improve yourself, and the person may begin to imitate you. Develop your skills for personality development. It is not necessary that you duplicate that person, you can improve yourself, perhaps and the person might be imitating you. Develop your skills for personality development. 

  1. The first requirement for personality development is right, because you see what you want to see. It is not at all that if you are not beautiful then you are not good at all - Martin Luther King, Gandhiji, etc. were not physically attentive but their personality is an example for human beings. Because these people conquered their own minas and trusted themselves.

  • Rather than being better than your peers, try to be better than yourself. Stress and fear are two very important reasons that do not let our personality disappear completely, it is very important to recognize the fear inside and try to get rid of it.         
  • The biggest fear that happens in any person's mind is that which can be overcome only by trying again and again. And your fear of using good personality can be overcome. Besides the role of thoughts and behaviors in personality, physical attributes can not be denied. The physical characteristics of the meaning are not from the beautiful face but the higher level of energy, personal hygiene and a very important part of personality is our personal relation. A person's personality can also be judged from how he plays his personal relation. Or how successful it has been.

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